I have been traveling around the world for twenty-five years. That’s a lot. That number scares me. And, true – as much as I considered my job a dream job in the beginning, I now sometimes turn down offers to travel, and I don’t even want to go out. Not perhaps because I’m not entertained … Read more

Sure, the coronavirus epidemic has touched the lives of everyone in the world, including, for example, the natives of Papua New Guinea (where I was supposed to go and didn’t because of the quarantine…). But there were some positive consequences. The annual awards ceremony for the King of the White Track, i.e. the best Czech … Read more

Adam Ondra is number one in the world of mountaineering. Lets see him in the most difficult alpine routes on Balkan. I always say that dreams come true, but their reality is completely different than the original idea… and so it was with the series with Adam Ondra. Getting a call from a TV producer … Read more

One of the topics that amuses me to death is the communication of science to the public. I’m happy for any opportunity to make a film or even a series about it – as in this case! I think we all kind of suspect that we have top scientists working all over the world, but … Read more

DVD Století Miroslava Zikmunda

Just imagine a man who’s been writing his diary every day for 88 years! Just imagine a man who was filming in Africa when the colonial system collapsed. A man who met Yuri Gagarin, Edmund Hillary, a man who met kings, presidents and cannibals, a man who criticized communism directly to the government of the Soviet Union, a man who travelled all around the world but was not allowed to enter the United States…

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DVD Stopaři

Journalist Pavlína Wolfová tracks a reconstruction of a story of Czech divers who dived with the “hyena of the seas”, A.K.A. the tiger shark, without any protection.

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DVD seriálu Alchymie bytí

An 18-part series – taking a moment to think about the basic principles of the functioning of our bodies.

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DVD Maledivy - velké divy

A five-part documentary series about this magnificent archipelago which has no clear history or future…

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An almost unbelievable but true documentary about Eduard Ingriš, a czech genius.

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DVD Cuba Libre

Those who have not seen it, will not believe it, those who have not experienced it, will not understand! A film made during five visits to the “Island of Freedom”. Directed together with Mirek Náplava.   Longitude: 52 minutes Copyright: (c) PiranhaFilm 2006