23. 09. 2019


filming to the film Civilization

In a way, the path of dreams. Imagine that you need to make touches to the film, so you plan a date half a year in advance with friends you don’t normally have a chance to meet, because we all have a lot of different work. (Try to schedule a meeting between Juračka, Náplava, Hošek and Horký!) You set the time to be out of season and go to Iceland – this is a dream destination in itself.
Of course, a week is damn little for such a great piece of the world as Iceland. So one has to come to terms with the fact that there are too many women in the world to catch them all… (this does not belong here) – there are too many beauties to be able to see them all in one trip. When you accepts this as a fact, you are fascinated by what you see, not worrying what you missed.
And it’s calm, because this island is basically exciting wherever you look. And you don’t have to be in those famous “instagram” places (but even there it’s beautiful, Glacial Bay or Black Beach).

What was the best? No, I won’t talk about the road to the glacier or the morning sunrises. The absolute biggest bomb for me was when we lay down in the thermal pond, a cap on our heads, tripods with cameras and a towel on the shore. And a bottle of rum went from hand to hand. We always wiped our hands when the aurora borealis started, so I started time-lapse and quickly back into the water to keep me warm. Oh, my God…